About Kait

Hi, I’m Kait, a 20-somethin’ year old who craves coping with their emotions through the art of poetry.

I started writing poetry around 2014/2015 while I was a teenager. Oh yeah, the prime rebellious teenager era. Not just that, the mentally damaged one who was battling depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and losing a loved one. As you can guess, my poetry didn’t start out as happy-go-lucky-ray-of-sunshine-writing, and still a lot of it isn’t. Throughout the years of writing, I’ve experienced loss, love, lust and much more, which you’ll read about…

The method behind my madness: plot twist, there isn’t one. That’s right, I don’t just sit down at a desk with a notebook and pen, thinking about poetry. It actually just all comes out of nowhere without explanation. Somehow, someway, the wheels start grinding in my mind, and I just jot down what I’m thinking, whenever I’m thinking it. Next thing you know, one line turns into a fully-crafted poem. There is no way to explain it further than that. One poem eventually turned into the hundreds, maybe even the thousand I’ve got now. The reason I don’t have a precise number is because I may have a bad habit of hoarding my poetry in my notes app, Word documents, sticky notes and journal pages, some that are probably gone with the wind and I have lost count.

So finally, after years of writing, I’ve finally made peace with myself to do something with it all. Which is what has landed you to reading this now.